What makes us different:

We are proud to be different from most mining companies in the world. Some of the differences are listed below:

  • 1 - The methods of working employed will bring great benefit to both the local and national economies wherever the company operates. It recognizes the fact that the well being of its people is important.
  • 2 - By offering protection to all its contractual partners including buyers, mining companies and service providers, we minimize the risk to all concerned.
  • 3 - We bring stability to the mining sector where we operate, through our careful planning and systematic operation.
  • 4 - Highly professional, modern management systems and practices take good care of environmental issues. Our planet is important to us.
  • 5 - Long term planning, relationships and sustainability are our primary focus.
  • 6 - Fluctuations in world market conditions, pricing and ‘supply and demand’ trends are taken into consideration in a timely fashion.
  • 7 - We have the support of the international insurance industry.
  • 8 - As we operate in different areas of Chile, we are able to offer ore in a range of different qualities, enabling clients to obtain whichever quality is most suited to them.